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Selasa, 17 September 2013

goes to Malay *season 3

out door room.. take photo with adji

adji take photo in front of meeting room in USIM

adji take photo in USIM
by @mala photograph

adji take photo inside of meeting room in USIM
(without me, he take photo alone)

hidangan perjamuan in USIM

do u ever see it before??
in indonesia called as apem kukus
but in malay call as ......?
#aku lupa nama e

perjamuan . aku badmood
pooooool bgt.. 
but adji always do anything to make me smile again
take photo isn't get effect to me :p

take photo in BATU CAVE
in malay...
so many many bird there

in batu cafe.. in our back is the stone/ stupa
the biggest  temple  in the ASIA
this temple come from thailand and take in malay

mengejar burung merpati @with adji :p

trio bersaudara take photo in Batu cave 
malay @ 2.30 p.m

me and adji are smile together :p

before go to the bus . we still take photo again :D

for me and adji
we buy it in batu cave..


goes to Malay 2013 *series 2

tomorrow morning at 7 a.m
but the sun is not coming up
the important thing, we must know that???
in malay usually  pray SUBUH  at 6 am

very different time with indonesia
(aku saja salah, sholat subuh jam 5 )
 ( -.- )

makan besar sepuasnya :. yuhuuu.. :p

semeja berdua.. ahhehehhe..

seolah romantis.. ahehhe.. kapan lagi begini..
nyaummy... ajijelek :D

photo bersam adengan pak suratno
( ketua prodi bio edu )

pintu masuk gerbang USIM
university Science Islamic Malaysia

take photo together with DOSEN USIM 

class room in USIM
so good and clean ... how about UNEJ ?

 Situation in class room
look at adji, devina (girl who use purple bag) and oktavia
beside of devina

makmal sains ???
sungguh bahasa yang aneh dan sulit dicerna
makmal = laboratorium

inside of laboratorium in USIM

Adji take photo beside of ATM and drink machine 

so fresh and cool the water is steril 
so, we can drink it possible.. do you want??

inside of room schedule presentation
we can easy to looking the big viewer there

ms. suratno and the security of USIM
me and adji in back of them